I'll be the first to admit that most jazz just goes right over my head. That may be because I tend to duck well out of its way when I see it coming but this not so here. Spri are a jazz trio from Montpellier with a beautifully warm, vintage sound built around electric guitar and Hammond organ in the vein of '60s Herbie Hancock or Traffic. Classic is the word. They also happen to be a lovely bunch of lads. This is a video I made for their live session of 'Long Time No Sea', a track from their upcoming E.P 'My House'. You can find out more about Spri here: https://www.sprimusic.org/
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Jun 12, 20201 min read

Bush Sick Land is available as a paperback and ebook. Get your copy here:
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May 8, 20201 min read
Updated: Jan 7, 2021
A New Zealand Gothic mystery.

Bush Sick Land is set in a small Waikato town at the end of the 1960s. It's a mystrery, a black comedy and a portrait of a weird, blokish world by way of Hieronymous Bosch. Bush Sick Land is my first novel.
Bush Sick Land will be available as an Amazon paperback and ebook from 30/05/20
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